Dražen Šimleša, RTL otvoreni uvodnik (2021)
Trpimo požare, bujice, tornada, a gospodari politike i ekonomije cere nam se u facu. Zar nije jasno gdje je problem? I rješenje
Andreja Žapčić, RTL vijesti (2019)
Dan koji stiže sve ranije: Od danas živimo na ekološki dug, potrošili smo sve Zemljine resurse
Dan koji stiže sve ranije: Od danas živimo na ekološki dug, potrošili smo sve Zemljine resurse
Destrée, A. (2016). Jelovnik promjene
Vodič za odgajatelje, učitelje i mlade koji žele promijeniti svijet
Jelovnik promjene
T-kit 13: Sustainability and youth work, published by the Council of Europe and the European Commission (2018)
This manual is designed primarily for youth workers and educators to introduce the topic of sustainability to young people in a non-formal setting. However, it will also be suitable for groups of youth workers, youth leaders or educators who may be looking for training on the topic of sustainability. By means of the activities in the main body of the manual, young people and those whomwork with them can familiarise themselves with some of the problems facing the globe, and begin to discuss solutions. The last two chapters of the manual take matters further: this is an opportunity for youth groups to begin to make a difference in their locality, and perhaps beyond.
T-kit 13: Sustainability and youth work